7 feb (sun)

Afternoon movie, Rockz!
Darling booked a place for us to have dinner on my bday =)

Just before our movie,
The yearly river ang bao
14 feb (sun) Valentines day
Valentines day movie at marina sq. sweet movie.

15 feb (mon)
Percy jackson son of gods of Mount Olympus. Nice!
Fig & olive,http://www.hungrygowhere.com/singapore/fig_olive_vivocity/ nice name. My first and very last time to there! Guess what? I got the menu myself.
Clam spag. good food. They took back my dish jus to sprinkle the herb thing. bad service.
What's this? darling realised its not ours! bad bad service.
BBQ chicken with spag, good food, came only 20 mins after they told us that what we suppose to order, run out of butter! bad bad bad service again. Trust us don't visit it!
Its chinese new year!

Vivo city.

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